The program is designed to prepare students to become highly skilled technicians in software engineering who can produce computing solutions for various scales of software development projects. The SWE program focuses on all aspects of the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC), including requirement analysis, design, implementation, testing, and maintenance to ensure the software and system applications’ usability, operation, and security. The engineering process covers all types of software, such as standalone applications, web applications, mobile applications, etc., from small-scale software to enterprise level to ensure the effectiveness and efficiency of digital products. The market for the workforce in the industry, commercially and academically, is continually growing worldwide, which places our graduates in very high demand. BAU is located in one of the largest areas for a collection of technology and software companies, which graduates will tremendously benefit from while they pursue their degrees for experiences and after graduation for job opportunities. This minor will prepare students for job positions at the entry level such as Software Engineer, Front-End Engineer, Back-End Engineer, Full-Stack Engineer, DevOps Engineer, Software Developer, Mobile Application Developer, Analyst/Programmer, Web Developer, Software Testers, etc.
Programing Learning Objectives
- Understand the theories and methodologies used in software engineering and architecture in various Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) models.
- Apply the foundation and principle of software engineering and SDLC to solve real-world problems with programmatic and computing approaches.
- Utilize advanced tools for managing, designing, implementing, analyzing, and enhancing software solutions for various domains and industries.
- Integrate new and advanced technological disciplines into software development, such as artificial intelligence, data mining, machine learning, the Internet of Things (IoT), etc.
- Develop reliable and cost-effective software applications to ensure usability, availability, integrity, and security using multiple technologies, including database management systems, network and communication protocols, cloud computing, software frameworks, etc.
The mission of this program is to prepare students to become highly skilled technicians in software engineering who can produce computing solutions for various scales of software development projects. The SWE program focuses on all aspects of the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC), including requirement analysis, design, implementation, testing, and maintenance to ensure the software and system applications’ usability, operation, and security. Students learn to apply scientific and mathematical principles to the design, analysis, verification, validation, implementation, and maintenance of computer software systems using a variety of computer languages. The program will provide students with the opportunity to attain a degree that will enhance their opportunities in various positions for the entry level within the software engineering field.