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Dr. Sinem Vatanartiran, the President of Bay Atlantic University, was recently invited to participate in the New Global Universities Summit. Presented in conjunction with Duke Kunshan University’s new Institute for Global Higher Education and Duke Learning Innovation & Lifetime Education, the Summit was hosted at Duke in DC, just a few blocks from BAU’s Downtown Washington, D.C. campus. Representatives from over a dozen universities, all founded within the past 25 years, travelled from around the globe to convene in the Nation’s Capital. They were joined by some of the oldest and most prestigious American universities, including Harvard, Yale, Georgetown, and Duke.

The objective of the New Global Universities Summit was to foster discussion and coordination between the world’s preeminent new universities. Rather than sitting through a series of keynote presentations, Dr. Sinem and her fellow collaborators engaged in several roundtable-style conversations about the special position New Global Universities find themselves in. Topics included the overall importance and essential elements of new universities in the modern higher education environment. Representatives of the recently founded universities also met with their more well-established counterparts to explore what each can learn from the other.

“I wish to thank the New Global Universities Summit for the invitation to participate. As a New Generation University located in the heart of Washington, D.C., it was very fitting for Bay Atlantic University to be a part of this unique event,” Dr. Sinem remarked, following the Summit. “We have learned a lot from the past ten years here at BAU, and I enjoyed sharing our experiences with other New Global University leaders and hearing what they had to say as well. We are all eager to bring our findings back to our respective institutions and further improve the educational experience for our students.”

As Bay Atlantic University continues to celebrate its 10th Year Anniversary, it continues to position itself strongly in the realm of higher education with new partnerships and opportunities. Just a couple weeks ago, Dr. Sinem travelled to the Future of Higher Education Summit, hosted by BAU partner Coursera, to explore new possibilities with the Coursera platform and with Artificial Intelligence in higher education. You can read more about her experience here.



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