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6.01 Student Rights

Bay Atlantic University recognizes the importance of student rights on campus. Student Rights involve the following:

  • Freedom of expression without prejudice,
  • Freedom of academic inquiry,
  • Right to a safe and supportive campus environment,
  • Right to appeal University rulings through due
  • Membership and inclusion of all students in the BAU community, regardless of personal identity.

We as a University accept students regardless of their racial, ethnic, national, religious, or political affiliation; gender identity and sexual orientation; and physical or mental disabilities.

If you have any complaints or suggestions about our services, please fill out and email the Student Complaint Form below to [email protected] 

6.02 Student Code of Conduct Policy

Students are expected to embrace the Code of Conduct upon the first day at Bay Atlantic University. The University expects students to follow BAU values through years of academic and personal growth:

  • Commitment to academic integrity and inquiry: students are honest and strive for academic excellence, and continually express intellectual curiosity.
  • Commitment to personal integrity and growth: always behaving according to the moral principles that you believe in, and willingness to learn from different views and opinions.
  • Commitment to creating a community based on respect and support for others.
  • Commitment to inclusion of others and respect for diversity in all its forms: the belief that all people deserve to be treated equally, listened to, and given equal participation both in and outside of the classroom, regardless of:
  • ideas and opinions, including religious or political beliefs and philosophies;
  • personal identity and origin, including their race, ethnicity, ability, gender or sexual identity, age, social class, immigration status, or nationality; and
  • own experiences as human beings, such as their academic and personal experiences, although they may be different from the experiences of others.

Bay Atlantic University expects students to commit to the Code of Conduct, to create a positive educational environment for all community members. Students who do not adhere to the Code of Conduct may face academic or non-academic disciplinary actions, as described in the Non-Academic Disciplinary Process Policy.

6.03 Non-Academic Disciplinary Process Policy

If a member of the University community witnesses or suspects that a student has violated the Code of Conduct through non-academic action, a written complaint will be submitted to the Director of Student Services. The Director of Student Services will request a meeting with the person who brought the complaint and will investigate the allegation.

Non- academic misconduct includes, but not limited to, destruction of school property; any verbal or physical abuse of faculty, staff, or students, including harassment or intolerance; substance abuse; selling or distributing controlled substances on campus; unauthorized entry into any University building; unauthorized use of university computers; and violation of any state or federal laws.


If a member of the University community witnesses or suspects that a student has violated the Code of Conduct through non-academic action, they will submit a written complaint to the Director of Student Services. The Director of Student Services will request a meeting with the person who brought the complaint and will investigate the allegation.

The Director will then assemble a Non-Academic Disciplinary Committee meeting.

The Director will assemble a Non-Academic Disciplinary Committee meeting.

Committee Proceedings

The Non-Academic Disciplinary Committee will be comprised of the Director of Student Services, an administrative staff, registrar, a representative of SGA, and, if the student is international on an F1 Visa, the Designated School Official. The Committee first meets to review the fact-findings presented by the Director of Student Services and will subsequently hold a hearing with the accused student, the accuser, and any witnesses, if necessary. The student may appeal the decision in writing within two weeks.

Disciplinary Consequences

Based on the severity of the violation, the Committee may choose to implement any of the following punishments: Disciplinary warning, restitution, fines, limitations on activities, disciplinary probation, postponement of activity participation and conferring honors and degrees, disciplinary suspension, or expulsion.


A university warning is a formal notice that the behavior or set of behaviors is inappropriate and violates the basic expectations of students as set forth by BAU. A letter of warning is placed in the student’s file and may be considered if the student engages in further inappropriate behavior.


Restitution is compensation required of students who engage in the theft, misuse, damage or destruction of institutional, group or private property. The amount of restitution is dependent on the extent of damage as well as what is determined to be the most appropriate way for a student to make amends for the damage caused. The amount, form, and method of payment for restitution are decided by the Student Services Director.


For some offenses, including violations of the university alcohol and drug policies, fines may be imposed. Money collected will be used to support BAU educational programming.

Limitations on Activities

Limitations on activities are assigned because the prohibition from participation in certain activities has been determined to be in the best interest of the student and/or the university. Limitations on activities may include, but are not limited to, a fixed period of ineligibility for service as an officer or member of any university organizations or as a member of any university committees, boards or councils or as a participant in any intercollegiate activity; ineligibility to receive or maintain any award from the university; prohibition from attendance at social events; restricted entrance into various university buildings; or restriction from all forms of contact with certain person(s).


Probation is a formal notice to the student that the student has engaged in behavior that is unacceptable within the university community and that if continued or if other inappropriate behavior follows, more severe action may be taken, including the possibility of suspension or expulsion from Bay Atlantic University. Probation is for a fixed period of time that is determined by the Committee. Official notice of probation will be provided to the student and the student’s program.

Postponement of Activity Participation and Conferring of Honors and Degrees

The university reserves the right to delay or postpone the involvement of a student in any university-related activity or delay or postpone the conferring of any honor or degree during the pendency of any of the student conduct procedures or actions.


Suspension from the university involves the exclusion of the student from participation in any academic or other activities of the university for a specified period. Written notification of this action will be provided to the student and the student’s program. Suspension from the university further involves the following: The action of suspension will be noted on the student’s disciplinary record and academic transcript; the student will be withdrawn from all courses carried that semester according to the policy of the student’s college or school; the student shall forfeit fees according to the normal refund schedule of the university; the student must refrain from visiting the university premises unless engaged in official business approved in writing by the Chair of the Committee; the suspension may include any other disciplinary action judged to be of value to the student.


Expulsion is the most serious university disciplinary action and involves the permanent exclusion of the student from the university. Expulsion involves the following: forfeiture of all rights and degrees not actually conferred at the time of the expulsion; notification of the expulsion provided to the student and the program; permanent notation of the expulsion on the student’s disciplinary record and academic transcript; withdrawal from all courses according to the policies of the student’s college or program; and forfeiture of tuition and fees according to the university’s normal refund schedule. Any student expelled from the university must refrain from visiting the university premises unless engaged in official business approved in writing by the Committee Chair.

Re-enrollment Process

A student who has been suspended or expulsed may petition for re-enrollment. The petition must be in writing and directed to the Chief Academic Officer. Such petition may not be filed before the expiration of one year from the date of the final determination in expulsion cases, or before the expiration of one half of the suspension period in suspension cases. The CAO shall after consultation with the Disciplinary Committee adopt procedures for determining whether such petitions will be granted or denied.

6.04 Student Grievance Policy

The University views students as responsible citizens who are integral members of the academic community. Policies and practices pertaining to student relations and services should reflect this point of view. All University officers will make every effort to ensure that this philosophy is implemented.

It is recognized, however, that regardless of how well-intentioned people may be, complaints and misunderstandings are bound to arise. It is the purpose of the Student Grievance Procedures to ensure that these disagreements are expressed, explored, and resolved promptly and confidentially.

The Student Grievance Procedures shall apply to student grievances relating to the following:

  • Allegations of violations of the University policies and procedures with respect to programs, services, activities, or facilities.
  • Allegations of unfair treatment from faculty, administration, staff, or fellow students.
  • Claims relating to discrimination, non-sexual-based harassment, and retaliation



The student discusses the problem informally with a student, faculty member, or staff member involved and, where appropriate, with supervisors or administrators at sequentially higher levels.

A student may not proceed to a formal review unless an informal review with those persons cited above have been exhausted.


1 . If for any reason the grievance is not resolved informally to the satisfaction of the student within ten (10) business days, the student should contact the Director of Student Services.

2. The student shall prepare and submit a formal written complaint on a form which shall serve as the basis for all further consideration.

3. The Director of Student Services shall conduct an investigation of the facts upon which the complaint is based. Within ten (10) business days, the Director shall notify the grievant of the results of the investigation.

4. If for any reason the student is not satisfied with the results of the investigation conducted by the Director of Student Services, he/she may ask the Director to submit the matter to the Director of Partnerships and Outreach [hereafter referred to as the Appeal Officer] as appropriate.

5. The Director of Student Services shall:

5a. prepare a statement summarizing the actions taken

5b. append such statement to the student’s complaint form

5c. forward the complaint form to the appropriate Appeal Officer

6. Upon receipt of the formal complaint, the Appeal Officer shall consult with the University official having authority over the area or subject matter of the grievance. Within 30 days following receipt of the complaint, the Appeal Officer shall render a decision and convey such decision to the student in writing.

7. If the student is not satisfied by the decision obtained by the Appeal Officer, he/she may ask the Appeal Officer to appeal to the President of the University or designee on the student’s behalf.

8. The Appeal Officer shall apprise the President or designee of the details of the grievance and serve the President or designee with a copy of the written complaint within ten (10) business days.

9. After the receipt of the written complaint, the President or designee shall render a final decision which shall be conveyed in writing to the student within thirty (30) days.

Miscellaneous General Provisions

Time Limits: All time limits contained in the foregoing procedure may be extended by mutual written agreement by the Director of Student Services, the Appeal Officer, or the President.

Confidentiality of Proceedings: The University shall take all reasonable steps to ensure the confidentiality of all proceedings, and the records produced therefrom. However, should any matter developed during the course of the proceedings become public knowledge, the University reserves the right to issue appropriate statements.

Program Discontinuances

In the unlikely event BAU cannot deliver the instruction for which students have enrolled, students will be notified by administration and counseled by faculty advisors about options available[1]. The university commits to one or more of the following actions, depending on the needs of individual students:

  • Provide students with a teach out plan for completing their program as long as the student does not break service from the university and remain in their designated program;
  • Provide a reasonable alternative for delivering instruction or services for which students have paid;
  • Provide assistance in transferring earned credits to another college or university.

Last Resort Complaint

If a student remains unsatisfied after a formal grievance process, the student can address these concerns in writing, as a last resort, to the following Higher Education Licensure Commission of the District of Columbia

Higher Education Licensure Commission
1050 First St. NE, Fifth Floor
Washington, DC 20002

Bay Atlantic University will ensure that no student will be subjected to unfair action as a result of initiating a complaint proceeding.



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