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We’re sure that most of you have had a job in your teenage years, either mowing the lawn of your neighbor, babysitting or walking the dog of someone you know. While these jobs aren’t considered part of the realm of the corporate world, you still can say that you got something out of them—you obtained a few skills that you didn’t realize you could get. Some of those are skills that could be equally applicable to other job positions. And there is just the term for them—transferable skills. What are they and which of these transferable skills made our list? Let’s dive deeper into this.

What Are Transferable Skills?

More or less, we mentioned what transferable skills are in the previous section. They are a set of skills and abilities relevant to several different jobs and industries. They are acquired throughout a period of time, thanks to previous experiences in school, internships, volunteering, and jobs. 


So, what skills are considered to be transferable? We know that there are two types of skills—hard and soft skills. Both of these kinds of skills can become transferable. What makes them transferable is their usefulness in more than one occupation. General, interpersonal, management, clerical, research and planning, computer and technical skills can all be transferable. While there are many transferable skills, we’ve distinguished eight of them that are important in almost every single industry out there.

Important Transferable Skills

We’ve compiled a list of the eight most important transferable skills out there which can do wonders for you if you choose to obtain them. Let’s get to them.

1. Critical thinking

Critical thinking is one of the most sought-after skills that an employer wants their staff members to possess. People with this skill are able to engage in independent, rational, and reflective thinking. Thus, they can grasp the logical connections between two ideas, realize their importance, and identify, evaluate, and construct arguments that defend or attacks a particular idea. 


The thing is, not everybody has acquired this skill. While critical thinking can surely be taught, not all people are able to really master it and utilize it. So, with that being said, if you’re one of those people that has acquired critical thinking, then you surely can be an asset in many sectors across industries. 

2. Leadership

We believe that we all have something in common; we’ve all heard somebody being called a leader just because they might have organized something once. While leadership skills are definitely attainable skills, not everybody has actually developed them. But what are they actually?


Leadership skills are the abilities to organize themselves and a group of people towards a common goal. People who have acquired this skill can motivate others to finish their duties within a time constraint. Something many people forget to mention is that leadership skills aren’t one single skill, it is actually a combination of many virtues like reliability, patience, empathy, creativity, flexibility, and many others. Leaders are needed at almost every single corporate level. So, the sooner you attain this skill, the better your chances at getting offers across sectors. 

3. Problem solving

Problem-solving as a soft skill is somehow quite similar to critical thinking. Both of them rely heavily on data and facts in order to come with a solution to a problem that you might be hovering upon. However, before you actually come to a solution, you ought to identify the problem first. That’s where problem-solving skills come in handy. Once the problem is identified, one stops and reflects on what is causing the problem, the potential solutions, and finally comes to the conclusion that one of the solutions is the right one and implements it. 

4. Teamwork

Teamwork is a skill that most of us acquire while in school. The best part is that this particular skill gets to be useful in every aspect of your life, even the professional one. There are times when particular projects can’t be done by a single person as there are many different facets that need to be covered. That’s why groups are created, so they can collaborate and join their forces to complete that certain task.


However, more often than not, many groups don’t understand the notion of working together as a team and they put all their workload on a single person. Yet, those who have mastered teamwork skills know that everybody has to hold the end of their bargain and take accountability.

5. Communication

You must have heard the saying, “good communication is the key to success” and to be honest, there isn’t a saying out there that holds more truth. While communication seems easy as it is something we all do on a daily basis, what most people fail to realize is that not everybody is doing it right. 


Talking in an appropriate way with people, good eye contact, and listening carefully to what the other person has to say are just part of what being a good communicator is all about. As a skill, its importance is undeniable, and being an efficient communicator can get you a long way. 

6. Listening

Listening skills go hand in hand with communication skills. There is no good communication happening if the conversationalists don’t focus on what the other is saying. When it comes to listening, one ought to be aware of both verbal and non-verbal cues because only in that way will one be able to fully understand what is transmitted by the other person. If you happen to lack this skill, problems are bound to happen more frequently and this applies to every industry out there.  

7. Attention to detail

Attention to detail is a skill that not too many people have. It is the potential to accomplish accuracy and thoroughness when working on a task. The individuals that have acquired this type of skill make sure that nothing goes unnoticed. Seeing how attention to detail is closely linked to the quality of the work delivered, individuals who have obtained this skill are highly sought-after in almost every sector. 

8. Computer skills

A technical skill like computer skill is definitely transferable. Almost any industry out there offers jobs that one has to use a computer to perform. That’s why they are part of the transferable skills. The hardware skills of an individual will help them to operate a computer physically, whereas the software skills will help you to properly use programs and applications.   


These were eight transferable skills you are advised to obtain. The concept itself shows you how important they are across industries and sectors. So, why wouldn’t you make yourself a high-in-demand individual and obtain those said skills?



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