
How Much Does an Online Bachelor’s Degree Cost?


Completing an undergraduate degree online comes with numerous advantages, including flexibility, the option to work full-time while attending school, flexible scheduling, and a unique learning environment. However, one of the main concerns students face is the cost. How much does an online bachelor’s degree cost?

While the answer to this question is mainly specific to the university, in this guide, we will address matters such as how online classes work, how much an online bachelor’s degree costs, and the financial aid available for online colleges.

Why Study Online

Within the last few years, the idea of traditional education has undergone a significant alteration. With the development of the internet and new technology, being physically present in a classroom is no longer the only way to study.

Nowadays, as long as you have access to the internet, you may receive a high-quality education anytime and anywhere. A new age has begun with the transformation in online learning. Here are some reasons why you should consider online education.

Accessibility: The virtual classroom is accessible anywhere with an internet connection, so there is no need to keep a strict schedule or commute from one location to another. Additionally, you save time and money that may be used for other purposes.

Flexibility: With online learning, you can choose your own pace for learning, and there’s also the extra flexibility of creating a schedule that aligns with your other responsibilities. Finding a work-study balance is achieved thanks to the time management skills you develop through online learning.

The extensive selection of programs: There are countless skills and topics to teach and learn in a place as large and diverse as the internet. Universities and institutions of higher education are increasingly providing online versions of their programs for various levels and disciplines. Completing your program online is an excellent way to earn an official certificate, diploma, or degree without visiting a university campus.

Customized learning experience: We’ve already discussed how flexibility might enable you to follow your own learning pace. However, online learning is also adaptable to each learner’s unique needs and skill levels. In many cases, there is very close contact and specific feedback between you and your teacher, responding particularly to your needs. In addition, online resources are frequently available, including videos, pictures, and eBooks.

How Do Online Classes Work?


Online classes can vary in structure, according to experts. However, most online students regularly access a learning management system (a virtual portal). There they can view the course schedule and grades, get in touch with their instructors, peers, and support staff, access course materials, and track how they are doing with the lessons.

To finish their courses whenever and wherever they choose, prospective students should determine whether a school’s LMS is compatible with mobile devices. They will also require a reliable internet connection and necessary software, like a word processor.

How Much Does an Online Bachelor’s Degree Cost?

Online higher education has several benefits, one of them being its cost. Here, we discuss the costs of taking an online program, including regular fees and charges.

Books and supplies


Having your education circle around a laptop means that maybe you will need to buy a new one to ensure your studies will go smoothly. Additionally, online students might need to upgrade their internet to avoid interruptions during classes. However, their budgets should include money for books as well. One way to cut expenses is by renting textbooks or purchasing digital versions.

Online vs. on campus

Compared to many traditional campus programs, online colleges are less expensive. The majority of what is frequently referred to as “college expense” is usually made up of tuition.

For online bachelor’s degree programs, the average total program tuition ranges from $38,496 to $60,593. At college, four-year programs typically cost between $38,748 (public, in-state) to $140,348 in tuition and fees (private).

Private vs. public schools

When tuition and living expenses are compared between an online degree and an on-campus degree at public four-year universities, the online degree is $10,776 less expensive.

A private college online degree costs, on average, $58,560, whereas an on-campus degree costs, on average, $148,800.


The cost of living varies greatly depending on where you live and your specific needs. You can find expenses such as food, accommodation, transportation, and related costs in some cost comparisons between a college degree acquired online and on campus.

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Unless someone else is providing this kind of support, such as if you are living with your parents, all students often experience these whether they are living on campus or on their own.

Financial Aid for Online College

To make studying online easier, there are several financial aid options available for you.

Scholarships: Scholarships are available for students to use toward the cost of online education. Colleges frequently give out to students who have great SAT or ACT scores as well as high GPAs. Scholarships are also provided by private companies and charities.

Grants: After completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), students can apply for grants. Numerous organizations give grants based on need. Grants are not repaid by students. However, some subsidies might require recipients to work after graduation.

Loans: The FAFSA must be completed in order for students to apply for government loans. Both loan forgiveness programs and income-based repayment options are available for these debts. Loans for students are available, both subsidized and unsubsidized. Interest on subsidized loans doesn’t start to accrue until after graduation. On the other hand, interest on unsubsidized loans starts to accrue right away.

Work-study programs: Work-study programs are available at several colleges and institutions. Through these programs, students can work in exchange for tuition reimbursement. Students may work both on and off campus. Students in need are given work-study money by the federal government.


Online education presents options that you shouldn’t pass up. Beyond flexibility and schedule freedom, its cost is reasonable and lower than traditional education. In addition, financial aid is also available for this education format. I hope this article has given you a better understanding of the possibilities and costs associated with earning an online degree.


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