How to Get an Internship With No Experience

11 Tips on How to Get an Internship With No Experience


Are you thinking an internship may be a good idea at this time, but you have no prior experience? Getting an internship with no prior experience is definitely possible.

In this guide, we’ll explore some valuable tips and strategies on how to get an internship with no experience. Let’s dive in and discover how you can stand out and successfully land an internship opportunity!

Why Is It Important to Get an Internship?


Internships are incredible learning opportunities and are accompanied by countless benefits, which we will group into the following four categories: 

  • Career development: An internship experience may be the foundation of your career. It will help you apply your college concepts and develop your professional skills. Apart from that, during the internship, you will also be able to create vital soft skills for your future career, including workplace collaboration, business etiquette, and communication and interpersonal skills. 
  • Application of college/university concepts in real life: This is perhaps the most direct benefit that you will get during your internship. The very essence of the latter is the opportunity for you to apply the concepts you learned during college or university in real-life situations. That will help you test and validate your knowledge and certainly deepen it. 
  • A door to further opportunities: As indicated above, an internship may be the foundation of your career. If you know how to take advantage of it, it will open your door to numerous further opportunities. You will be able to establish a fruitful network with professionals from the field who may letter recommend you for other internship/employment opportunities. Further, your resume will significantly enrich your internship experience(s) and can be favorably considered by employment admission committees. 
  • Character growth: An internship will help you strengthen your character concretely by strengthening your integrity, commitment, and self-motivation, which are essential traits of a successful team member. Besides that, as mentioned above, an internship may teach you how to interact with others appropriately and to be humble and respectful with them. 

How To Get an Internship With No Experience?

Applying for an internship without credentials, a previous internship, work experience, or any reference to attach to your application may be a bit intimidating. But do not stress out; you are not the only one in this situation, and that does not mean you cannot secure one this time.

Remember? We already warned you that internships with no experience are possible, so if you want to know how to apply for an internship with no experience, note the steps below. 

Get a summer job

During summer, many businesses increase their staff by hiring seasonal employees. In this sense, this may be your chance to get a summer internship, even if the position you are applying for does not fit your professional background. Still, from a few weeks long internship, you will be able to capture some of the main soft skills required in your future career.

For instance, while working in a supermarket or restaurant, you can develop your interpersonal skills and customer service. If you are ambitious and hard working, you can also volunteer for extra challenging tasks. 

Decide what field interests you


Before narrowing down your research on the type of internship you would like to get, it is essential that you first pick a maximum of two or three career options that attract you the most. For instance, if your major is in food science, you can look up different careers in that field.

It can be food technology, quality assurance, analytical chemistry, or similar. Once you determine the option you are most passionate about, you can begin looking for an internship in that line.

Check on campus

Consult with the career centers on your campus. They are one of the best resources for those looking to develop their skills through work, internships, or other extracurricular activities. This is because they may have established connections with different companies and organizations and will be notified when open positions are in place.

Adding to that, they may help you craft a strong letter of motivation and resume, increasing your chances of getting an internship. 

Join a community group

By joining a university or community group of your interest or in line with your career goals, you will be able to build a network and discover new opportunities for your future—already intrigued? Check your school website or social media to learn about such groups. 


As its very name says, volunteering will not increase your cash, but being of service to your community comes with unique benefits. Admission committees will look at you favorably as they will find in you a person actively working to grow personally while helping others without getting anything in return.

Additionally, volunteering in charitable organizations will allow you to develop different skills, including time management, teamwork, reliability, and others. 

Continue developing skills

Developing various general skills that apply to other careers may be one of the best things you can do if you lack previous experience. Thus, we recommend you invest some time and effort in developing computer, leadership, project management, or communication skills by attending a workshop, club, or other settings. 

Start networking

Networking is a critical part of securing an internship. You can begin getting out in your community and start networking with companies or businesses you may know. You can also build a fruitful network by attending the meetings of local professional organizations within the field that interests you the most.

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Besides the above, you can make connections during your seasonal work or community service. In a few words, use any chance you have to network and benefit from it. 

Apply early

When applying, make sure you have looked into the deadlines carefully. Applying early may help you get that interview you were looking forward to.  

Prepare a good resume

A resume is perhaps the most critical part of the application process. Here, you outline relevant education, highlighting the institution you are enrolled in and any community service or seasonal work you may have conducted.

All this points out how you can help the company or organization with your skills. To avoid potential mistakes, have someone review your resume before you submit it. 

Prepare for the interview

To begin, you have to be aware that not every internship you apply to will lead to an interview. However, when you secure one, be well prepared for it, as that may be your chance to “impress” the admissions team and get your dream internship. In preparing for your interview, learn to properly present each point of your resume and to relate and emphasize the skills that will add value to the company you applied for.

Further, research the key characteristics of the company you want to join. Lastly, stay confident, be well-spoken, and be respectful to the panel.  

Don’t give up!

In an ever-increasing competition in the job market, remember that you may not be admitted to the very first internship you apply for; however, each one of them is an opportunity to learn and see what you can do better in future applications. What is most important is to maintain a positive attitude even when things don’t turn out as you were hoping and never give up. 


If you feel it is time to apply your theoretical knowledge in real-life situations, an internship is an excellent opportunity to do that, and having no experience should not put you off. Although it may not be easy, what matters the most is to keep persevering and to learn from each opportunity. Success! 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Do I really need experience to get an internship?

While experience can be beneficial, many internships are designed for those with little to no experience. Employers often look for potential, enthusiasm, and a willingness to learn.

How can I make my resume stand out without any experience?

Focus on your education, relevant coursework, volunteer work, extracurricular activities, and any skills or certifications you have. Highlight transferable skills such as communication, teamwork, and problem-solving.

What should I include in my cover letter if I have no experience?

Use your cover letter to express your passion for the industry or field, explain why you’re interested in the internship, and showcase your eagerness to learn and contribute. Highlight relevant skills and qualities, and explain how they make you a good fit for the role.

Where can I find internships that don’t require experience?

Look for internships advertised as “entry-level,” “student-friendly,” or “no experience required.” Explore job boards, career websites, social media platforms, and university career centers. Networking with professionals in your desired industry can also uncover hidden opportunities.

Should I consider unpaid internships if I have no experience?

While unpaid internships can provide valuable experience, consider your financial situation and the value of your time. If possible, prioritize paid internships or those that offer perks such as academic credit, networking opportunities, or skill development.

How can I leverage my education to compensate for lack of experience?

Highlight relevant coursework, projects, research, or academic achievements that demonstrate your skills and knowledge. Emphasize any practical experiences gained through class assignments, group projects, or internships related to your field of interest.

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