get a master's degree

How Long Does It Take To Get a Master’s Degree: Full-Time vs. Part-Time


Nowadays, earning an undergraduate degree is not enough to be a serious contender for many positions. So, people are always looking for ways to improve themselves and their work. A great way to go about it is to continue your academic path and get a master’s degree.

But, deciding to dedicate your time, resources, and energy to an academic program is not easy as there are many things you should consider. How long does it take to get a master’s degree? Is it the same length for every field of study? Is it worth it? Keep reading for answers to such questions and more.

What is a Master’s Degree?

A master’s degree is one of the main types of post-baccalaureate qualifications, which helps you dive deeper into your interest as the program focuses on a specific field or discipline and includes a final activity, project, thesis, or exam. Upon earning an undergraduate degree, getting a master’s degree is a great way to make yourself more marketable to potential employers.

There are many master’s degrees in various areas of study, with the two main ones being Master of Arts (MA) and Master of Science (MS). Generally, the MA degree is awarded to students in art, humanities, and social sciences, whereas the MS degree is awarded in technical fields such as mathematics, nursing, engineering, etc.

The Requirements to Enter a Master’s Degree


When applying to a master’s degree program, one of the basic requirements is to have an undergraduate degree, from an accredited program, in a field relevant to the one you are thinking of pursuing in post-graduate studies.

Some schools might have prerequisites related to minimum grade point averages. However, in some cases, even if you do not fulfill the requirement, you may still be admitted to the school of your choice based on interviews, application letters, or motivational letter.

Different Enrollment Options

A significant benefit of pursuing a master’s degree is the enrollment options. A majority of schools offer students the choice to pick between full-time and part-time master’s degree programs. But, which one would be the best for you?

Full-time master’s degree programs

If you are ready to dedicate most of your time to pursue a master’s degree, enrolling full-time might be the best option. These programs are aimed at professionals looking to develop their skills and knowledge more quickly since this program takes less time to complete than the part-time one. Generally, you are expected to be present on campus for a few hours during 2-3 weekdays and must earn around 12 credits per semester.

Part-time master’s degree programs

For professionals who are primarily committed to their work but are still seeking a master’s degree on the side, part-time master’s programs are life-changing.

As the name suggests, a part-time program will enable you to study subjects in as much depth as they traditionally are in full-time programs, only now you do so in a more extended period. This increase in length results in a more flexible schedule, with classes usually held during weekends.

How Long Does it Take to Get a Master’s Degree?

Now, the part you most likely clicked for— how many years for a master’s degree? Well, the length of the master’s degree depends on various factors, the first one being the study mode you pursue.

Typically, you can complete a master’s program in 1-2 years, whereas a part-time one can take up to 6 years. Likewise, the length can increase or decrease depending on the workload you must finish within a semester.

To put it simply, schools have different requirements regarding credit hours. You will need around 30 to 60 credit hours to earn your degree. The more hours required, the longer the program will last.

For example, to get a master’s degree in education or psychology, you must attend college for around two years. Similarly, a master’s in data science or computer science takes 1-2 years, and so on.

Benefits of Earning a Master’s Degree


Suppose you are interested in earning a promotion, applying for a better position, or switching career focus. A master’s degree is an excellent path to follow in such cases.

You will not be wasting your time by continuing your education, as the program will present you with many opportunities to grow and succeed. Below are some of the many benefits of earning a master’s degree.

Compete with the rest

According to recent data, more than 820.000 master’s degrees are awarded annually in the US, so, to be competitive in your field, you must be one of those degree holders. With the vast number of people that recognize the importance academic degrees have in preparing you for occupations, you mustn’t be left behind. So, it would be best to continue your learning as you go.

Higher salaries

In addition to the marketability provided by the master’s degree, you will also most likely earn more for your work. Reports show that professionals with a master’s degree have a median weekly salary of around $1,737, which is very high compared to those with a bachelor’s degree earning $1,493 and associate degree holders earning only $1,058.

A deeper understanding of your field

Another significant benefit to earning a master’s degree is that you will be studying the field of your choice in depth. Whether it was a decision based on pure interest or on what the market is seeking professionals in, you will be developing your knowledge and skills in areas that are very much needed for the career path you have chosen.

The Bottom Line

Earning a master’s degree is a commitment that pays off. Not only in the monetary sense but the skills and knowledge you gain and develop will be of great importance when it comes to aiming higher in your career.

If you want to be the best person for a job, you must put in the work and show employers how dedicated and hardworking you are. What are a few more years of school when compared to the glory you can achieve with one more degree up your sleeves?

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How long does it typically take to get a master’s degree full-time?

A full-time master’s program takes about 1.5 to 2 years to complete. This can vary based on the program requirements and whether any accelerated options are available.

What is the difference in duration between full-time and part-time master’s programs?

Full-time programs are usually completed in a shorter time frame, typically 1 to 2 years, whereas part-time programs can take anywhere from 2 to 4 years or more, depending on the number of courses taken per semester.

Can you complete a master’s degree part-time while working?

Yes, many students get a master’s degree part-time while working. This allows them to balance their education with professional and personal commitments.

Are there advantages to completing a master’s degree full-time?

Full-time study allows students to focus intensively on their studies and complete their degrees more quickly. It may also provide opportunities for immersive learning experiences such as internships or research projects.

What are the benefits of pursuing a master’s degree part-time?

Part-time study allows students to maintain their current job or other commitments while earning their degree. It can also be financially advantageous as it spreads out the cost of tuition over a longer period.

Do employers prefer candidates with full-time or part-time master’s degrees?

Employers generally value completing a master’s degree regardless of whether it was obtained full-time or part-time. What matters most is the knowledge, skills, and experience gained during the program.

Can part-time students switch to full-time status during their master’s program?

Depending on the program and institution, part-time students can switch to full-time status if their schedule allows them and if they meet the eligibility requirements set by the school.

Do full-time and part-time students receive the same degree upon completion?

Yes, both full-time and part-time students earn the same master’s degree upon successfully completing all program requirements. The degree received does not specify the mode of study.

Are there any financial aid differences between full-time and part-time master’s students?

Financial aid eligibility can vary based on enrollment status. Full-time students may have access to different types or amounts of financial aid compared to part-time students.

Which study mode is more challenging: full-time or part-time?

Full-time study can be intense due to the concentrated coursework, while part-time study may require strong time management skills to balance work, family, and academic responsibilities.

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