Board Committees

Executive Committee is composed of the Chair of the Board of Trustees, the Vice-Chair of the Board of Trustees, the President of the University, and any other Trustees designated by the Chair of the Board of Trustees. The Executive Committee meets or confers between scheduled meetings of the Board of Trustees and may act on specific matters delegated by the full Board and for the Board in the event of an emergency requiring action before the next Board meeting.
Minutes of Executive Committee meetings shall be made available to the Board of Trustees. Reserved Powers. The following powers are reserved to the Board of Trustees alone and may not be delegated to the Executive Committee:
i. to authorize amendment of the Articles of Organization or the Bylaws.
ii. to authorize a merger or consolidation of the University.
iii. to authorize dissolution of the University.
iv. to initiate bankruptcy proceedings.
v. to elect or remove Trustees or Officers; and
vi. to grant tenure to or remove a tenured member of the faculty.
Linda Robertson (Committee Chair)
Enver Yucel
Standing Committees

Governance Committee has the responsibility of nominating members to the Board of Trustees and Emeritus Trustees and is responsible for the development and evaluation of Trustees as
specified herein. The committee is responsible for determining the skills and qualities needed by the Board for recruitment each year. The committee must review and generate a slate of
Board members and officers are to be presented to the Board for a vote as necessary and identify candidates as needed for filling vacancies. During the vetting process, the Governance
The committee must ensure that the majority of the voting members of the Board do not have contractual, employment, or personal or familial financial interest in the institution. This
committee is also responsible for reviewing and overseeing new Trustee orientation, Board assessment, and the conflict-of-interest policy as adopted by the Board as a whole. When Board
members have not performed to expectations, the committee provides appropriate counsel in consultation with the Chair of the Board to the Executive Committee.
Linda Robertson (Committee Chair)
Enver Yucel
Ahu Yıldırmaz

Audit Committee has the responsibility of recommending an independent auditor and for oversight of the audit of financial statements. A member of the Finance and Investment
The committee shall serve as chairman of the Audit Committee. The Audit Committee is elected by the Executive Committee.
Adam Saffer (Committee Chair)
Ahu Yıldırmaz

Finance Committee has policy decision responsibilities with respect to institutional budgets, property acquisitions, audits, financial procedures, and other matters that
pertain to the financial support and fiscal health of the institution, and the facilities (internal and external aspects of the physical plant, all buildings and the appearance, upkeep, maintenance
and/or design of the campus). The committee also has the responsibility of oversight of the endowment investment process, including the hiring and retention of endowment investment
managers, and the development and amendment of the endowment investment policy and submitting that policy for approval to the entire Board of Trustees.
Baglan Rhymes
William Hansen

External Affairs Committee
This committee is responsible for (i) developing external networks and partnerships to support academic programs, career services, enrollment, alumni affairs, and public relations and branding, (ii) developing fundraising policies and procedures, (iii) establishing goals for and evaluating board member participation in charitable giving, and (iv) participating in identifying, cultivating, and approaching major donors.
Joanne Dowdell(Committee Chair)
Kaya Henderson
Peter Schechter

See this in PDF form, including a table of assignments, here.

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Phuong Do

I love the experience here at Bay Atlantic University. The university is in the center of Washington D.C., the capital of the US. My friends and I have a wonderful time here at BAU and love the learning experience. It is really an honor to study in a high quality university that gives us top notch education, paving the way for success in our future careers.

Enkhjinzaya Ganbold

I love the fact that the university is so diverse.

Izel Ugur

The professors at Bay Atlantic University are diverse, not only in terms of their international backgrounds, but also their professional backgrounds. Being able to hear how the theories connect to their real-life experiences has been invaluable to my studies.

Qazi Khan

It is great to be a part of such an international environment in my everyday life because it has provided me with a different perspective of the world. And now I have good friends from many different countries.

Uyanga Batsukh

After completing the MBA Entrepreneurship program at BAU, I feel more confident in taking the next step towards starting my own business.

Daniel Giraldo

Great location, great staff, and great learning experience. Qualified teachers with an extended work experience.

Aghamirza Fazel

It has been a great experience here at BAU. Especially learning from the professors who are great and very helpful at any given circumstance. They are always friendly.

Mauricio Facciolla

I had great professors who taught me important skills and concepts that I applied daily in my job. These skills helped me to grow and stand out in the company I work for. The location and the building are awesome, providing great experiences. The student body is very diverse; great to learn about different cultures.

Phuong Vo, Vietnam

“I am a normal girl, but I have a big ambition. That’s living the truest and most beautiful life. I think the risk is always better than the regret. I am happy to be here at BAU and living a life I have always dreamed of. I prayed faithfully and worked hard for this opportunity. Moreover, thank you so much my beloved family for all their unlimited support and unconditional love. Thank you BAU for this opportunity!”